
Player identity in the metaverse

All the on-chain and off-chain interactions of the Novaverse have a component of progress tracking. Because of that, players will need an identity to keep that progress.

Since Cardano wallet offers both a unique identifier to each player and a way to store their on-chain resources privately, we believe they make the perfect candidate for an authentication mechanism.

Progress Tracking and Ownership

Novaverse only requirement will be to connect a Cardano wallet to the game.

Once authenticated, the user will gain back any on-chain and off-chain progress, resources, and enhancements they had achieved.

The wallet will contain claimed refined resources, minted Exos, advanced SEV, enhancements, and of course, the players' Novas and PFPs.

Off-chain progress like discovered Exos, unrefined resources, last SEV position, and more will be connected to the wallet id. Therefore, players may lose off-chain and on-chain progress if they lose access to their wallets.

Some assets have inherited advantages that will be lost or transferred to another player when traded.

Last updated