
Planets of the Novaverse

Exos are the planets formed in the Novas. Xers have explored and categorized Exos in an extensive classification system.

The classification considers various factors before giving a class to an Exo, including atmospheric composition, vegetation, size, and surface temperature.

Exos Classes

M Class (Terrestrial), H Class (Geomineral), G Class (Geothermal), Z Class (Geomorph).

M Class Exos (Rare): Exos that host an atmosphere that allows life to exist and thrive. Xers can colonize this Exos and establish a settlement.

H Class Exos(Common): This class of Exo presents atmospheric conditions with extreme surface temperatures, ideal for an ecosystem rich in HRM.

G Class Exos (Common): Exos with high temperatures under their crust and high concentrations of gases on the surface, a perfect place for MICO extractors.

Z Class Exos(Extremely Rare): This class is the oldest Exo class on record. Medium concentrations of MICO and HRM are present all over the surface.


All Exos are CNFTs awaiting discovery. When Xers find an Exo, they can mint it to begin colonization.

M class Exos are suitable for living, there Xers can establish a settlement. Xers settlements are their home in the Novas. Xers will build their settlements from the ground up and develop them using the resources obtained through gathering or commerce.

The other three classes harbor highly radioactive atmospheres, so life is practically impossible. However, in these inhospitable environments, the largest deposits of Herlum and Mico are found. The Xers owning these classes of Exos can build mining outposts allowing them to gather resources without having a SEV present on the planet.

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